The American Elite, AoT#412

We have been told who to blame for any upcoming cyber attacks on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.

New Zealand luxury bunker

There may be an American elite, and they might have a “fraternity culture.” There might be a conspiracy, or there might not be. It may not matter either way. 

Topics include: philosophical questions about this Age of Transitions, artifice, China cyber attacks, Cyber terrorism, great powers competition, GMA news stories, Taiwan, propaganda, technology race, AI, global economics, US foreign policy, WW3, exploitation of terror attacks, WW2, major countries domestic problems, America’s Elites, ivory towers, class divisions, fraternity vs conspiracy, political sway, forcing things to be better, things have gone off the rails, doomsday prepping, burying storage containers in the ground, paranoia, luxury bunkers

2 thoughts on “The American Elite, AoT#412”

  1. Listened to your broadcast- first time. I like it. Intertwining strengths in your varied voices mixing together; stirring relative interesting and funny subject matters. Found the site bc was taking a look at what the Eclipse Expert Sand had done on air with your show. He has really focused on this eclipse work. April 8th is fast approaching. Just wanted to see if I’d missed anything on the road leading up to it. Congrats on your broadcast shows. I enjoyed the two I sampled tonight. Thanks for it.

    1. Thank you very much for listening and commenting here, Gregory. Sand is great. Have had him on the show a couple of times over the years.

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