This  installment of The Age of Transitions comic is a Trading Places scenario featuring Elon Musk. Â
Elon Musk at the Bottom – The Age of Transitions comic #03
Elon Musk talks like a homeless person.
emerging technology podcast
The Age of Transitions podcast hosted by Aaron Franz.
Elon Musk talks like a homeless person.
This  installment of The Age of Transitions comic is a Trading Places scenario featuring Elon Musk. Â
Sophia the Robot, the cosmopolitan autonomous lady car.
Newt Gingrich says Trump isn’t part of the DC swamp secret society
The very first installment of The Age of Transitions comic is here. Appropriately enough, it features old friend Newton Gingrich.
Chris McKann, proprietor of The Path of Tea in Houston is the guest on The Age of Transitions podcast
Chris McKann from The Path of Tea comes on the show to talk a bit about tea with Aaron. If you aren’t into loose leaf teas, you should be. There is a lot to learn about them on this podcast episode. Be sure to listen to the second part of this show on the latest episode of Uncle (the podcast)
Interview with Sand Sheff of Quicksand Soup on The Age of Transitions podcast.