Uncle Returns From Vacation, Utp#353

Born again and back at the broadcast on this episode of Uncle (the podcast).

drink reviews podcast

Uncle is back from his vacation and is all charged up for this broadcast. Preparations are already being made for the coming Revolution. Make sure to mark your calendars for New Year’s Eve. 

Topics include: Uncle’s vacation, seeing the Beatles live in concert, Utah, War on Christmas Thanksgiving Spectacular, calls, drinks, new drop glass, Mexico, tariffs on Canada, ADDTV video, 10 Gauge, lost mp3s, Friar’s Day, old fashioned mixed drink, dollar store drinks, sake wine, stockpile drinks for the Revolution, dispensaries, gummies, San Pedro cactus consumption, bad year coming, Jerald Sanders, future, resurrection and reincarnation, spirituality, born again, baptism, no more clubs, Four Loko, plastics and pipes, shout outs

Watch the video version of this broadcast.