The Dune movies review, Themes & Memes ep62

Adam and Aaron review the Dune films on this episode of the Themes & Memes podcast.

Themes and Memes Dune films

Adam and Aaron review both of the Dune films. These have been some of the only stand out films of the past few years, and are definitely worth talking about. 

Topics include: soundtrack, movies worth watching, Bladerunner, Villeneuve, desert landscape, mining, civilization, relative scale, architecture, aristocracy, bloodlines, eugenics, empire, politics, secret societies, intelligence, manipulation, occult powers, ritual, sex magic, grooming, banned computers, analog technology, nature, sand worms, pop culture influence, high priestess, priesthood, indigenous people, esoteric sides of different religions, plans of social control, dominant minority, self-fulfilling prophecy, tragedy

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