The new political propaganda machine did not just appear overnight. It’s been a long road built in a relatively short period of time, and we are speeding down it now. If you just merged onto this freeway be warned, nothing is as advertised on the billboards.
Topics include: no Uncle show this week, 2009 Singularity Summit, Peter Thiel, Ray Kurzweil, NYC, MIRI, Google, Macroeconomics and Singularity, Libertarian politics, government contracts, intelligence, Palantir, PayPal Mafia, billionaires, limited government, consolidation of fringe and mainstream, alternative media, ideological shifts, political technology, social media, big data, surveillance, Big Tech, crazy wins elections, data as a commodity, analytics, Information Age, political campaigns as potential data purchasers, world of contradictions, technocracy, Trump and Musk, crypto, claims to be disclosing hidden secrets, chainsaw at CPAC, transhumanism, zero charisma spokesmen, Joe Rogan, podcasts, comedy, fake underground, Gravitron ride, online media is the new establishment, cult of personality, X, AI, Culture Wars as a distraction, executive orders made to placate the electorate, propaganda, Thiel Fellowship, powers that be now on public display, talking points, acting like automatons, Russian disinformation, confluence of interests, Hulk Hogan, Idiocracy, dumbing down of America, Ochelli Radio Network, performance art, stand up comedy, branding, There is an Us and Them however you’ve gotten the identities of both wrong