Robbie Martin interview, QAnon and the Evolution of Conspiracy Culture, AoT#277

Robbie Martin talks about QAnon on The Age of Transitions podcast

Robbie Martin joins the show for a conversation on the history and present state of conspiracy culture. He has a special episode of Media Roots Radio detailing the QAnon phenomenon, which is a must listen. Here, Robbie talks a bit about Q, its genesis, and some of the ramifications of what it all means in today’s tumultuous political climate. 

Mike Treder IEET Fringe Transhumanism and the Global Elite, Bonus Podcast clip 030

Bonus Podcast episode featuring material from Aaron’s notebook

Aaron brings back his old notes to explore some pieces written on IEET by one of its former managing directors, Mike Treder. Treder has been missing/gone silent online since 2012. Transhumanist groups are not unlike other fringe special interest groups, in that it is indeed a fringe group. 

Chris McKann interview, The Path of Tea, AoT#277

Chris McKann, proprietor of The Path of Tea in Houston is the guest on The Age of Transitions podcast

Chris McKann from The Path of Tea comes on the show to talk a bit about tea with Aaron. If you aren’t into loose leaf teas, you should be. There is a lot to learn about them on this podcast episode. Be sure to listen to the second part of this show on the latest episode of Uncle (the podcast)  

Sand Sheff interview, Bill Surveils the Gates of Xanadu 2.0 From Space, AoT#276

Interview with Sand Sheff of Quicksand Soup on The Age of Transitions podcast.

Long time friend of the show, Sand Sheff, returns to talk a bit about Bill Gates. There are a number of large-scale business and social ventures that Gates is involved in. Should we be wary of his intentions?