Wright Flying Too Close To The Sun, AoT#282

The Smithsonian Puts the MIC on Display, The Age of Transitions podcast

Uncle recently got to rewatch Top Gun One. What exciting surprises will Top Gun Two have to offer us upon release? Are movie theaters a thing of the past? Should the street cream put a cardboard cutout in the stands of Angels Stadium? So many questions on this broadcast.

Robbie Martin interview, QAnon and the Evolution of Conspiracy Culture, AoT#277

Robbie Martin talks about QAnon on The Age of Transitions podcast

Robbie Martin joins the show for a conversation on the history and present state of conspiracy culture. He has a special episode of Media Roots Radio detailing the QAnon phenomenon, which is a must listen. Here, Robbie talks a bit about Q, its genesis, and some of the ramifications of what it all means in today’s tumultuous political climate.