You will use Bing, and you will like it.
Continue reading “Bing Grabs Our Attention, AoT#382”Bing Grabs Our Attention, AoT#382
No escape from AI assistance on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
emerging technology podcast
No escape from AI assistance on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
You will use Bing, and you will like it.
Continue reading “Bing Grabs Our Attention, AoT#382”If you liked the old one, you’re going to love the new one on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
A new Magna Carta for a new day is being written in digital code.
Continue reading “The ChatGPT Magna Carta, AoT#381”Trouble for the DoD and tech industry on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
The Pentagon hopes to bolster its tech prowess by partnering with a faltering private sector.
Continue reading “Private Sector Reporting For Duty, AoT#380”Biological Computers are in the works on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
Biological computers can play pong.
Continue reading “BioComputers Coming Your Way, AoT#379”No one can keep up with the changes on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
The rug of society has been folded over on itself and now its many and varied fringes are on top of each other making quite a mess.
Continue reading “Crazy For Technology, AoT#378”