Robbie Martin returns to the show to talk a bit about the strange and ever-changing landscape of online media. Media Roots spread deep and sure, but new and evermore beguiling media outlets, personalities, and trends keep emerging at a breakneck pace. Robbie and Aaron do their best to make some kind of sense of it all here.
Topics include: Media Roots, podcasting, Masonic history, alternative media, UFO community, monetization schemes, over saturation, Lex Friedman, Joe Rogan, copies of copies, old conspiracies and hoaxes have lasting power, far right extremism and mainstream convergence, family upheavals, mental health, MAGA, Project 2025, strategy of tension, Jan 6, ruling class factions at war with each other, civil war, QAnon, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Podesta emails, counterintelligence, Accelerationism, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, rightwing influencers, glomming onto fringe topics, 9/11 Truth, Flat Earth, Alex Jones, Singularity, AI, Kurzweil, transhumanism, virtual spaces, fictionally augmented digital realities, LLM fueled disinformation campaigns, Neuralink
Thanks for having Robbie Martin on. I always enjoy him and find him very informative.
I am always glad to have him on. Thank you for listening.