RNC Machine Learning and Our Digital Influencers, AoT#284

Zach Miller of Dr Dog calls in with some thoughts on AI on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast

The keynote speaker at the RNC gave a surprise scripted speech, but was sure to pile on plenty of anti-China sentiment for his fans. There appears to be a war going on, and it is mostly taking place in the virtual sphere. We should all look to emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, as a major driving factor in this conflict. 

Nephew-in-law guest spot on Dad Sh!t Podcast, 8-25-2020

Aaron is the guest on this episode of the Dad Sh*t podcast

Dave and Justin, cohosts of the Dad Sh*t Podcast, have Aaron on their show as their first guest. The show gets into the history and motivations behind Uncle (the podcast) as well as very serious global issues. Be sure to listen to this episode, subscribe to Dad Sh!t, and add them to your podcast listening roster.