Another hour of live radio, live stream video, Ochelling, Twitchering fun on Uncle (the podcast).
Facing Off With Uncle, Utp#209
Get your daily dose of Cruise news on this episode of Uncle (the podcast)
emerging technology podcast
Get your daily dose of Cruise news on this episode of Uncle (the podcast)
Uncle is appalled by the rabble who stormed the Capitol on this episode of Uncle (the podcast)
A different view of the US Capitol debacle on The Age of Transitions podcast
The three hundredth episode of The Age of Transitions podcast occurs in the wake of what will surely come to be historic events. The Trump presidency goes out with a bang as an angry mob of his supporters storm the US Capitol in Washington DC. This is not the beginning, nor the end, of an ongoing story starring bad actors from the fringes. Anyone out there who may still be under the spell of MAGA, QAnon, or other related far-right movements need to understand the reality of what they are involved in.
Clip from the latest bonus podcast episode of The Age of Transitions podcast
This bonus podcast episode gives you a look into Aaron’s headspace at the end of this year, and moving forward with The Age of Transitions media project. It is good to be aware of the many pitfalls that surround us today, and to take advantage of unique new opportunities.
topics include: podcasting, live streaming, independent media, fringe merging with mainstream, martial law, divide and conquer, American politics, changing political landscape, microtargeted influence campaigns, propaganda, virtual worlds, augmented reality, truth, motivation
Join us New Year’s Eve for a livestream comedy spectacular
Our annual tradition, Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution aired live this recently passed year on New Year’s Eve, Dec 31, 2020. Uncle, Aaron, and producer Chuck of Uncle (the podcast) were there for 4 hilarious hours of fun, alongside callers and guests from around the country.
There were many fun features on the show including the spoken word rematch between Chuck and Sef the Poet, special music and videos, and livestream footage from an abandoned Times Square, NYC.
This show has become an annual tradition, and this marks the third year of its incarnation as a 4 hour long livestream video and radio show.