The Age of Transitions Video Watch Party

Live-stream presentation of the 2008 video about transhumanism

Watch The Age of Transitions video with creator, Aaron Franz. Join the chat at Twitch, YouTube, or Periscope. This event will be live Friday, February 5, 2021 at 10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific.

Watch the live-stream on




…or simply use the player embedded above.

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Watch Our Live-Stream Video

Uncle (the podcast), The Age of Transitions, and more

You can watch Uncle (the podcast) via our live-stream video on Friday nights at 11pm EST. In addition, Aaron does a number of special presentations at different times. You can watch all our live-stream videos with the player posted here.

Twitch – watch on Uncle’s Twitch channel

YouTube – watch on Uncle’s YouTube channel

Twitter – you can catch the broadcast from Uncle’s Twitter too