Coming back off a two week hiatus, Uncle has his phone lines blowing up. It is good to be back on the broadcast.
Continue reading “Zodiac Mystery Led to Riverside, Utp#242”Book Notes, MindWar, The Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast #043
An Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast clip
Aaron talks a bit about Michael A. Aquino, and his book MindWar. A self-published book that has surprisingly not garnered much attention, MindWar reads very much like your standard fare conspiracy oriented paperback.
Continue reading “Book Notes, MindWar, The Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast #043”Gravitar Coming Soon, AoT#332
Revolve in Portuguese on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast
Finishing up the Portuguese version of Revolve has Aaron reflecting on a few of his creative projects over the years.
Continue reading “Gravitar Coming Soon, AoT#332”Sef the Poet and the Father, Utp#241
Sef the Poet is back on this episode of Uncle (the podcast)
Sef the Poet returns to the broadcast to update us on what he has been up to.
Continue reading “Sef the Poet and the Father, Utp#241”We Almost Forgot, AoT#331
War on Terror continues on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast
The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 was a chance for a popularly redeemed George W. Bush to give a speech. He took the opportunity to remind us of a few things concerning terrorism.
Continue reading “We Almost Forgot, AoT#331”