John Kirwin interview, Conspiracy Theory Survival, AoT#444

Author, John Kirwin is interviewed on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.

Conspiracy Theory Survival Guide

John Kirwin is the author of The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide. In this interview he talks a bit about the book, and his motivations in pursuing the truth as he sees it. 

Topics include: Wake up or else, 508(c)1, legal education, Sovereign Citizen trigger term, conspiracy theorist trigger term, Federal Reserve, rifts in family life, ultimatums, God, religion, truther group, mind control programming, personal sacrifices, waking up, charlatans, insinuation of character flaws, 10 rabbit hole portfolio, normies, false narratives, chemtrails, in the world not of the world, willful ignorance, vaccine as bioweapon, vaccine issue forcing conversation to extremes, absolute truths, virologists, conspiracy ideas used in mainstream, red pills, UFOs, states banning chemtrails, children’s library books, alternative space doing more harm than good, digital propaganda space, covert influence operations, citizen journalism, weaponized government, money for hurricane victims, choosing not to give up, Mandela Effect, vivid memories undone, convictions, pop culture, misremembering the same way, conventional thinking, implanted thoughts, mathematic impossibilities

John Kirwin links

Wake up or else – main website

YouTube – John’s channel

Rumble – Rumble channel