Got To Make That Loaf, Utp#332

Uncle plans his food making videos on this episode of Uncle (the podcast)

Uncle's meat loaf

All Uncle needs is some meat, and he will loaf it up. Also, someone please bring two of everything so he can make some pancakes. 

Topics include: pistachios, removing shells, red dye vs natural red color, evil Wonderful company, eat shrimp whole, callers, restaurants with peanut shells on the ground, Ground Round, processed foods, crackling sound, food allergies, X-Men cartoon, mixing foods together, sauerkraut, Uncle’s meatloaf, trash as food, starting with what is edible, ingredients, IG food content, Supermarket Sweep, cutting board, Julia Child, pancakes, cook off shows, 2 of everything, Twitch, live-streaming, videos on Twitter, TIkTok ban

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