Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution 2021

Join us New Year’s Eve for a livestream comedy spectacular

Our annual tradition, Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution aired live this recently passed year on New Year’s Eve, Dec 31, 2020. Uncle, Aaron, and producer Chuck of Uncle (the podcast) were there for 4 hilarious hours of fun, alongside callers and guests from around the country.  

There were many fun features on the show including the spoken word rematch between Chuck and Sef the Poet, special music and videos, and livestream footage from an abandoned Times Square, NYC. 

This show has become an annual tradition, and this marks the third year of its incarnation as a 4 hour long livestream video and radio show. 

The Final Countdown Ninja Survive, Utp#206

The Last Broadcast Before Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution 2021 on this episode of Uncle (the podcast)

An emissary of a shadowy organization appears at the head of the broadcast, and disappears as quickly as they arrive. What might his cryptic message have to do with the upcoming entertainment spectacular known as Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution?

Unboxing Mail Night, Utp#205

Opening up mail from our street team captain on Uncle (the podcast)

This show is the second test of Uncle’s livestream before the 2021 New Year’s Revolution. They also unbox a special piece of mail from Creative Accidents. 

topics include: livestreaming, Twitch, Periscope, YouTube, France show about royalty, Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey, punk rock collage, art, broadcasting

Twitch – Subscribe to Unclethepodcast

Periscope – watch via Periscope/Twitter

YouTube – Uncle’s channel

Uncle Tests the Live Stream In Preparation For His 2021 New Year’s Revolution, Utp#204

Uncle (the podcast) is now livestreaming on Twitch, Periscope and YouTube

Uncle gets an earful of his own voice at the top of the show, but ends up with a pleasant surprise later as his video livestreams pass the test. 

topics include: livestream video, broadcasting, Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution, Twitch, Periscope, YouTube, sound mixing, football, Mike Tyson, live calls, chat room, Hornitos tequila review, weather in Canada, national parks, shot glasses


Twitch – subscribe to Uncle (the podcast) on Twitch

Periscope – follow Uncle (the podcast on Periscope

Bumming with Bobcat guest appearance from Uncle, Hammsgiving 2020

Uncle (the podcast)’s annual guest spot with Bum Wine Bob

Uncle and Aaron make their annual return to the Bumming with Bobcat podcast, with their friend Bum Wine Bob. This was an early holiday show for everyone coming in at Thanksgiving. This year, Bob is celebrating Hammsgiving. For the show, Uncle and Aaron bring a Belgian beer they got from the dollar store. Bob beer tours Europe along with them with a Polish beer. 


Bumming with Bobcat – Bum Wine Bob main website

Twitter – follow Bob

Instagram – see Bob’s photo stream