Bonus Podcast 032, From the Notes, Artificial Wombs Genesis and Transhumanism

Listen to this clip from a Patreon Bonus Podcast episode of The Age of Transitions

Aaron continues reading from one of his notebooks that he used to write his book Revolve. Topics range from occult science to esoteric religion. According to Harvard Science Review, research into artificial wombs has been kept underground purposely, in order to avoid outrage from the public. The Book of Genesis is a deep religious alegory that is not disimilar to the Book of Tao. The topics of Transhumanism and propaganda are also covered in this episode. 

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RNC Machine Learning and Our Digital Influencers, AoT#284

Zach Miller of Dr Dog calls in with some thoughts on AI on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast

The keynote speaker at the RNC gave a surprise scripted speech, but was sure to pile on plenty of anti-China sentiment for his fans. There appears to be a war going on, and it is mostly taking place in the virtual sphere. We should all look to emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, as a major driving factor in this conflict. 

Rules Meant to be Broken, AoT#283

Follow the path of truth on The Age of Transitions podcast

Those who most rigidly follow the rules do so in hopes that those rules are an accurate metric for gauging reality. The truth of the matter lies far beyond these confines. Just as a small insect can fly easily through the massive gap in a wire fence, so too can we breeze through the confines that so many others try to enforce upon us in this world.Â