Broadly Casting the Stream, Utp#334

Tinkering around with the old video live-stream on this episode of Uncle (the podcast).

video version of the podcast

We do a little live experimentation with the Uncle livestream to try to increase the old engagement online. It may have been just crazy enough to work, but are we crazy enough to pay for a blue checkmark? 

Topics include: VHS tapes, short videos view counts, making videos with your phone, routine, game apps, Vegas tourist videos, Street Cream, Crazy Accidents Bahamas getaway, X as a video streaming platform, blue check marks, dealing with the algorithms, building the audience, experimenting with retweeting, behind the kids, Bum Wine Bob, Joose, local carryout paying IG models, early 2000’s liquor marketing, shout outs

Watch the Livestream video version of this broadcast (and please do share it by reposting it on your social media!)