Chuck joins the show to talk about the Russian propaganda influence over the alternative media. This is a topic that many would prefer to ignore, but it has to be taken seriously, and understood at a level that goes beyond opinion.
Continue reading “Alt Media Pay to Play For the Away Team, AoT#433”Author: Aaron
Poppy Pat Sajaked Up, Utp#343
Talking old games and live-streaming on this episode of Uncle (the podcast).
Vintage game emulators vs actual arcade consoles. Which are better for streamers?
Continue reading “Poppy Pat Sajaked Up, Utp#343”The Comedy Culture War, AoT#432
Talking about Rogan, Thiel and friends on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
As the Culture War rages on, there continues to be a surprisingly serious battlefront in the world of online comedy. High ranking general Joe Rogan recently had a very public meeting with Lord Thiel. Sorting information from disinformation in the midst of this is easier said than done.
Continue reading “The Comedy Culture War, AoT#432”The Comedy Man, Utp#342
Taking calls again on this episode of Uncle (the podcast).
Uncle hurts his hand trying to handle the phone lines.
Continue reading “The Comedy Man, Utp#342”A Fool For the Freedom City, AoT#431
15 Minute Cities get a rebrand on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
Pack up your bags, you’re being moved into a Freedom City. Don’t worry, it’s not an Agenda 21 Fifteen Minute City. We all know that would be a nightmare. This is a utopian new way to live that comes with a brand new and improved form of government.
Continue reading “A Fool For the Freedom City, AoT#431”