Wright Flying Too Close To The Sun, AoT#282

The Smithsonian Puts the MIC on Display, The Age of Transitions podcast

Uncle recently got to rewatch Top Gun One. What exciting surprises will Top Gun Two have to offer us upon release? Are movie theaters a thing of the past? Should the street cream put a cardboard cutout in the stands of Angels Stadium? So many questions on this broadcast.

Flying Straight Out Of The Theaters, Utp#189

The Many Ways You Might Watch Top Gun Maverick on Uncle (the podcast)

Uncle recently got to rewatch Top Gun One. What exciting surprises will Top Gun Two have to offer us upon release? Are movie theaters a thing of the past? Should the street cream put a cardboard cutout in the stands of Angels Stadium? So many questions on this broadcast.

Revolve Man’s Scientific Rise To Godhood

a book about transhumanism by Aaron Franz

Revolve Man’s Scientific Rise To Godhood is a book written by Aaron Franz. It is about the topic of transhumanism, and covers the topic from a very unique perspective. Not only the matter of fact implementation of converging technologies, but also their significance in terms of esoteric religion is dealt with in Revolve.

buy a paperback copy of Revolve exclusively from Lulu.com

buy the Kindle ebook version of Revolve on Amazon.com

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