Watch Our Live-Stream Video

Uncle (the podcast), The Age of Transitions, and more

You can watch Uncle (the podcast) via our live-stream video on Friday nights at 11pm EST. In addition, Aaron does a number of special presentations at different times. You can watch all our live-stream videos with the player posted here.

Twitch – watch on Uncle’s Twitch channel

YouTube – watch on Uncle’s YouTube channel

Twitter – you can catch the broadcast from Uncle’s Twitter too

Meet The Podcast Hosts

The faces of The Age of Transitions website.

This website is home to the media productions of Aaron Franz. The Age of Transitions, Themes & Memes, and Uncle (the podcast) podcasts can all be found here. You will also find a unique Age of Transitions comic, the internet famous 2008 video of the same title, and original articles. Be sure to check out Aaron’s book Revolve: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood.

About Aaron

Aaron Franz created The Age of Transitions video in 2008. Since that time he has been making media commentary on topics including: transhumanism, artificial intelligence, propaganda, esoteric religion, and more.

About Uncle

Uncle is the star of Uncle (the podcast). He is Aaron’s uncle-in-law, and lives in the same house in Riverside, CA.

About Adam

Adam is the cohost of Themes & Memes, a different kind of movie review. Originally from New Zealand, he now lives in Germany. He was a founding member of the Glasgow Truth Group in Scotland.

Watch The Age of Transitions video, 2008

video by Aaron Franz

The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more. 

Aaron first posted this to Google Video in 2008. It quickly went into the hundreds of thousands of views, and podcast interview requests began to come in. After appearing on several other podcasts, Aaron decided to make his own, which was initially title Trans Resister Radio. Today, the podcast is simply called The Age of Transitions.

Over the years, Aaron has changed his ideas and opinions on many things. There are elements in this video that don’t fully align with his current world-view, but the overall message is still solid. Will there be another Age of Transitions video in the future? Perhaps…