Bum Wine Bob talks to Sidekick on the War on Christmas Thanksgiving Spectacular.
No Uncle on this show. This was taken from Sidekick’s War on Christmas Thanksgiving Spectacular. Bum Wine Bob came on toward the end of this holiday special live-stream to enjoy a King Cobra. Lots of fun memories of buying these from crazy carryouts, and other great news from the world of the bottom shelf from the expert.
Adam and Aaron review the Francis Ford Coppola film Megalopolis on this episode of the Themes & Memes podcast.
Adam and Aaron have returned with a new episode of Themes & Memes recorded live on Thanksgiving, 2024. During Aaron’s holiday special, War on Christmas Thanksgiving Spectacular, they did a review of the fairly new Francis Ford Coppola movie “Megalopolis.” A very unorthodox piece, this film raises a lot of questions.
The stream will start in the morning and go on into the night. Along the way there will be special guest appearances, loads of old videos from Aaron’s archives, cooking, balloon parade live cams, music, conversation in the chat room, retro video games and much more.
I’m hoping to take Skype callers too, so do join the chat and let me know if you would like to call in.
You can help out by reposting the stream to your social media accounts, or just telling a friend. Happy Thanksgiving, and prepare for the war to come…
Media prognostications on this episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.
Onions are known to cause tears, but this time they ain’t the tears of liberal snowflakes. No way, these are the tears of everyone’s favorite rightwing beefcake.