Vanessa Walilko interview, Personal Pans AoT#383

Vanessa Walilko of the Personal Pans podcast is the guest on this episode of The Age of Transitions.

Personal Pans podcast

Vanessa Walilko is the host of the Personal Pans podcast, and guest on this episode of The Age of Transitions. No one ever said that arcane matters had to be dark and scary, so come join us by listening to our brief conversation. 

Topics include: Personal Pans podcast, Pans Paracon, nerd communities, Book It, fundamentalist religion, belief systems, occult info online, metaphysical and physical realities, intelligent design, mathematics and measurements, thoughts, consciousness, missionary work rejected by South American indigenous community, ancient mysteries, paranormal, media literacy

Links to Personal Pans / Vanessa Walilko

Personal Pans podcast – listen on Anchor

YouTube – watch Personal Pans and Pan Paracon

Twitter – follow

Instagram – follow on IG

Pan Paracon – convention website