Vintage Gaming With Uncle – pilot episode featuring Super Mario Bros

The first installment of a new livestream Uncle show

This is the first episode of a special livestream series we hope to continue – Vintage Gaming With Uncle. The idea behind the series is that side kick will introduce Uncle to some of the old games he used to play as a kid, in order to get the Uncle perspective on them.

The first episode starts from what Aaron sees as the start, Super Mario Bros. Uncle and side kick play the first NES Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, and end up the stream with the Super Nintendo game, Super Mario World. This stream was a lot of fun, and it was great to see so many familiar folks in the chat.

Tune in to Uncle’s livestream video channels, and look for more of these vintage gaming streams in the future. We hope to record them on Saturday mornings/early afternoons.

Twitch – where gaming is expected

YouTube – where these streams can live on in perpetuity

Twitter – where someone may happen upon an Uncle stream by accident